Monday, October 20, 2008

On the way home

On the way home Elizabeth and I took a small detour and visited shoshone falls. We did this simply because we could. We had driven by the sign many times and decided to satisfy our curiosity.

On the way back we "ran" into the temple in Twin falls. We stopped. What a beautiful temple it is. I love the temple. It is s symbol to me of God's love for me. I remember the times I went to make promises and the times I went to gain the understanding and strength I need in my life. It is here that I have hope in all things.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to see another blessing given to all those who live near in Twin falls.

Fall Break Trip to Idaho -- with Elizabeth

Despite the fact the neither Jen or John could go with us...Liz and I decided it was worth while to visit Emy, Mom and family in idaho. We are so glad we went. They are a great family and I love the kids.

We were able to take long walks together and play. Here are a few pictures for your viewing enjoyment.