Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fall colrs

I know I just did a post but this morning is an incredible morning. It is smells so wonderful. I decided to welcome this scent into my home and opened my front door. There in front of me were my two trees in the front yard. I planted these years ago. I didn't plan the coloring contrast that would occur each fall but love it and appreciate the beauty and wonder of this Earth.

I teach photosynthesis and plant pigments in Biology. It is a complex system of how a plant changes colors. The coolest part is how each plant has it's own unique combination of pigments which result in such a variety of sights.

The Lord truly wants each to have it's own characteristic. Imagine what we would be missing if we didn't have the variety we have. Imagine too, how dull our lives would be if we were all the same. It is our variety and differences that make this world so beautiful.

I hope we can all embrace the differences in each of us and love the colors, just as I am sitting enjoying the colors right outside my front yard.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Your trees are beautiful and we saw them firsthand today! Too bad we didn't time it when you would be home. We thought you were out of church at noon. But we got to chat with Trevor and play with the pups. Thanks for always opening your home to us. Love you guys!