Wednesday, December 17, 2008

These are pictures from two of my most memorable/ favorite Christmas's . I love Christmas. I don't particularly enjoy all the hustle and bustle, instead I prefer the simple side of Christmas. I like to keep decorations to a minimum and keep the spirit of Christmas and giving as a live as I can. I only like to have one tree because for some reason in my mind the tree represents Christ and I only need one of him in my life. I enjoy not having too much stuff to put up because I don't want to spend hours decorating...for me it seems to take away from the spirit of the holidays. I enjoy cooking, but more so when my family is around me helping me. I love when they are sitting rolling things out, or just talking with me and listening to music. I prefer simple meals and love to have snack items just laying around all day.

Anyway, one picture if of one of the last Christmas's I had with all four of my children at home. After this my son passed away and it always feels like someone is missing. For a few years after his death we would give him gifts...Gifts that would help us to be better people so that one day we could return and live with him again.

The other Christmas is last year.. The first time in a lot of years I was able to spend with my Father. It was a long road to get there but I did...and this picture reminds me of one of the miracles of Christ's birth.

Merry Christmas to anyone who may be reading this. I wish you and your family the best...what ever that might be for you.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Merry Christmas to you too! I also like to try and keep things simple around the Christmas holiday. It's easy for schedules to get hectic and details to multiply.