Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Science Fair !

Three years ago I held the position of Science Department head. It wasn't such a bad job for the most part. But, there was one part I almost completely hated...THE SCIENCE FAIR. It is a lot of work. Organizing the students, getting prizes, judges, scoring, printing out certificates, awards assembly, angry disappointed parents. ETC etc etc. So I quit. I quit being the science department head for the sole reason of "I don't want to be in charge of the science fair!".

It is hard enough being a mother of a child who needs to complete one, to be in charge of students from the grade 1- 12 is TERRIBLE!. I got out of it for a total of three years. Each year they would hire a new science dept. head I would be off the hook!. What a great three years! YEA!!!.

But not this year. This year they decided to make Mr. Watabe the math and science department head. He is a great math teacher and I like him being my Boss (he really knows who is in charge...He He j/k) But he did nothing to start the science fair adn so I did and this week it is upon us and I remembered..."I HATE THIS".

Thankfully I have a couple of parents who are helping with the entire process and so maybe they can handle all the explanations required when a parents asks me, "why didn't susie win?..WHY?"

so.. this is my one an only post until this whole crazy event is over and I am sane once again. But check early next week...Saturday is my hubby and my anniversary and I have a great story to tell. Enjoy the pics....

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Science Fair. Wow. It was horrible. The parents especially!